Farosh offers both kinds of products at Farosh Mall. Some products are original and some are replicas of the original. We make sure to mark the replicas as A+ copies to save our customers from the possibility of perceiving it as an original product.
To place an order for the items you want to buy, follow these steps: At the bottom of the product page, you can place an order by clicking on "Buy Now" or " Buy via Whatsapp to fill in the necessary information Fill in your contact and shipping details and select your preferred mode of payment At the bottom of the page, click "Place Order" to complete the order Shortly, you will receive an automated email by Farosh providing the order information of your order.
Please refer to the Return Policy if you want to refund your payment. If your case falls under the conditions of our Return Policy, feel free to contact us at 0309-4626773 or email us at [email protected], and place a request for a return. Please do not forget to pack the product in the same way as it was delivered. You must include all tags, accessories, or any gifts received along with the ordered products.
Farosh does not charge any kind of hidden costs from its customers. All prices, inclusive of taxes and delivery charges, are explicitly shown in the total payable amount mentioned in the order details before confirmation of the order.
You can track your order through the tracking id that was provided on WhatsApp by Farosh. You can track your orders at the Farosh.pk market using the link "https://farosh.pk/track/order".
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